A Letter from the Editors of Bluedot Living



Dear Readers,

A few weeks ago, co-editor Jamie Kageleiry and I moderated a panel about climate journalism at the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) awards convention. Alongside us were David Abel, climate reporter at the Boston Globe; Frank Mungeam, Chief Innovation Officer for the Local Media Association; and Sadie Babits, president of the Society of Environmental Journalists. When we opened up to questions, a young journalist asked how we remain determined and hopeful in the face of so much frightening data, dangerously ignorant policy, and, well, bad news. 

We at Bluedot live with this question every day. We know that more than 70% of Americans are “very” or “somewhat” worried about climate change, according to data from Yale University. We know that most Americans don’t think the media is covering climate enough. People want more information. And they want specific information, focused on solutions.

You’ll find solutions in these pages: in Gwyn McAllister’s story about a family determined to boost bees while creating something delicious; in Sam Moore’s profile of the scientists at Woodwell Climate Research Institute, quietly doing important work. 

Meet the two fellows growing wildly delicious mushrooms on logs at Martha’s Vineyard Mycological. Meet Jessica Mason, who launched MV Island Eats to transform disposable take-out containers; and Julie Pringle, a champion of the Island’s great ponds. 

When you have a minute, check out our new national website at staging.bluedotliving.com, where we feature changemakers from all over the country — locals making a difference as they do here on Martha’s Vineyard. You can sign up for newsletters for each site.

One thing that’s certain during these uncertain times is that action creates hope. We’re grateful for all of you who use this information to take action in your own lives, and for the advertisers and non-profits who support our work.

And finally, an apology to Skip Finley. In our Late Winter 2022 What.On.Earth. column, we stated that the number of Black whaling captains on the Vineyard was five. In fact, Finley had written, there were five “men of color,” including an Indigenous man who was lost at sea before he was able to captain the ship he was expected to, and “a mulatto, the last living captain with Native American ancestry.” Further, we cited The Atlantic Black Box Project as the source for some of our data, but it was first published in the Vineyard Gazette by Finley. Bluedot regrets the error. 

Leslie Garrett (and Jamie Kageleiry)

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